This is actually a puzzle game which is designed is such a way that a EEE engineering student will learn things related to electrical engineering by a very interactive method.
How does the app works?
1. There are major categories as follows:
a. Power
i. Power System
ii. Transformer
iii. Generator
iv. Motor
b. Electronics
i. Electronics Devices
ii. Power Electronics
iii. Microprocessor...
This is actually a puzzle game which is designed is such a way that a EEE engineering student will learn things related to electrical engineering by a very interactive method.
How does the app works?
1. There are major categories as follows:
a. Power
i. Power System
ii. Transformer
iii. Generator
iv. Motor
b. Electronics
i. Electronics Devices
ii. Power Electronics
iii. Microprocessor
iv. Electronics Equipment’s
c. Communication
i. Satellite Communication
ii. Communication System
iii. Signal and System
d. Industrial and Electrical Devices
i. Sensors
ii. Devices
iii. Controller
2. A user can choose any category and start playing.
3. At first user will be given a multiple choice question (for example: a picture of circuit breaker and a related question with 4 probable answer)
4. After checking the user will be given some brief details related to that question.
5. After that he will be given the next question
6. Finally after completing a series of question related to a very specific topic the user will finally have a fair knowledge about the whole thing.
1. Quiz questions(MCQ type) with clues
2. A quick familiarization of equipment’s related to engineering and industrial fields
3. Options for improving one’s basic knowledge about the engineering field.
Target User:
1. Undergrad engineering students.