अपर जानकारी

  • में प्रकाशित
  • पर अपडेट किया
  • अनुमति
  • वर्तमान संस्करण
  • Android आवश्यक है
  • साइज
  • 221
  • Android 4.0-4.0.2
  • 5.45 MB
  • Gujarati news NavGujarat Samay screens
  • Gujarati news NavGujarat Samay screens
  • Gujarati news NavGujarat Samay screens
  • Gujarati news NavGujarat Samay screens
  • Gujarati news NavGujarat Samay screens

एप्लिकेशन के बारे में

Navgujarat Samay is the new Gujarati news paper from the Times Group. This is the official app of Navgujarat Samay for Android users to provide its readers with news in Gujarati on the go. This app for Gujarati news from the newest Gujarati news paper keeps you updated with the latest happenings in all of Gujarat including Ahmedabad. It allows you to replicate on the go the same experience you ge...

और पढ़ें



