अपर जानकारी

  • में प्रकाशित
  • पर अपडेट किया
  • अनुमति
  • वर्तमान संस्करण
  • Android आवश्यक है
  • साइज
  • 16
  • Android 4.0-4.0.2
  • 3.08 MB
  • Contactos (Share contacts via SMS or Email) screens
  • Contactos (Share contacts via SMS or Email) screens
  • Contactos (Share contacts via SMS or Email) screens

एप्लिकेशन के बारे में

Ever wanted to share your contacts but couldn't find the option in Android? Do you need an easy way to share your own contact details with others? Do you need to backup your contacts to your computer but don't know how? Would you like to share by SMS a contact directly from Android agenda? With Contactos you can fast and easily share all your contacts and also your own. Just choose the contacts...

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