This application a lot of information about Thakurgaon city.
you will find here, Thakurgaon History, Geography, Economics information etc.
Also you see here some special picture of Thakurgaon city.
It's most attractive feature is.............
You get here a lot of Doctor and Clinic center phone number, also some administrative people phone number with his/her email, Emergency phone number.
This application a lot of information about Thakurgaon city.
you will find here, Thakurgaon History, Geography, Economics information etc.
Also you see here some special picture of Thakurgaon city.
It's most attractive feature is.............
You get here a lot of Doctor and Clinic center phone number, also some administrative people phone number with his/her email, Emergency phone number.
And other feature..........................
By the student of "LIfe Line Polytechnic Institute"
2nd Batch